Booking an appointment
To access our service you can contact us directly to book an appointment or you can request a referral from your GP, a Psychiatrist or other Health Care Professional. If you are claiming your treatment through private health insurance please contact your provider prior to booking an appointment as you may require a referral.
To book an appointment you can email us to request a call back by using our online contact form or contact us individually by using the link on our personal profile.
Once we receive your referral or your message we will call you back to have a brief conversation regarding your needs, answer any questions you may have and talk about the options available to you. Messages are checked at least twice a week and we will endeavour to respond to your query within a week.
If you have any questions about the assessment process, treatment we offer, or general questions about our service please don’t hesitate to us by using our contact form.
We are unable to offer court reports, expert witness services, neuropsychology reports or further treatment to individuals we have already treated through our NHS roles.